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Name: Snowy
Class: The "Snowman"
Skill: Snowy thinks he's a snowman. Snowy's attacks will slow down his enemies.
Freeze Effect: 15%, +0.6% per level up, +3% per level up in-game, +1% per skill power.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 50, +10 per level up, +50 per level up in-game
Attack Interval: 1.5s, -0.02s per level up.
Critical Rate: 8%
Critical Damage: 200%
Name: Callie
Class: The Warden
Skill: Callie is the new warden of the local prison. He can randomly handcuff enemies and limit their movement.
Stalling Duration: 3s, +0.1s per level up, +0.4s per level up in-game, +0.2s per skill power.
Stalling Rate: 3%, +0.2% per level up, +1.5% per level up in-game.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 30, +5 per level up, +20 per level up in-game
Attack Interval: 1s, -0.01s per level up.
Critical Rate: 6%
Critical Damage: 200%
Name: Hammy
Class: The Cook
Skill: Hammy can cook up delicious fishes once in a while, providing his team with more food.
Fish Production Time: 12s, -0.2s per level up, -0.5 per skill power.
Fish Production Amount: 3, +5 per level up in-game.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 20, +5 per level up, +10 per level up in-game.
Attack Interval: 0.7s, -0.01s per level up.
Critical Rate: 6%
Critical Damage: 200%
Name: Emery
Class: The Trumpeter
Skill: Emery blows the horn when she spots enemies, encouraging her teammates nearby and raises their attack speed.
Attack Speed Increase Rate: 6%, +0.5% per level up, +2% per level up in-game, +1% per skill power.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 50, +5 per level up, +10 per level up in-game
Attack Interval: 1s, -0.01s per level up.
Critical Rate: 8%
Critical Damage: 200%
Name: Poppy
Class: The Drummer
Skill: Poppy sounds her drum to increase the critical hit chances for her teammates around her.
Critical Rate Increase: 5%, +0.2% per level up, +3% per level up in-game, +0.5% per skill power.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 50, +5 per level up, +10 per level up in-game.
Attack Interval: 0.7s, -0.02s per level up.
Critical Rate: 6%
Critical Damage: 200%
Name: Tilly
Class: The "Fox"
Skill: When combined or attacked, she will get fish based on her stars.
Fish Amount: 80, +5 per skill power.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 50, +10 per level up, +10 per level up in-game
Attack Interval: 1s, -0.02s per level up.
Critical Rate: 6%
Critical Damage: 200%
Name: Lollie
Class: The Homeless
Skill: Lollie wanders around all day and sleep in the sun. She can combine with any other cat of the same level.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 40, +10 per level up, +10 per level up in-game, +3 per skill power.
Attack Interval: 1s, -0.01s per level up.
Critical Rate: 8%
Critical Damage: 200%
Name: Maisie
Class: The Burglar
Skill: Maisie just got out of jail -- she can steal fish from her enemies.
Time of fish collecting: 4.5s, -0.1s per level up, -0.2s per skill power.
Amount of Fish Collected: 1, +3 per level up in-game.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 50, +5 per level up, +10 per level up in-game.
Attack Interval: 1.3s.
Critical Rate: 8%
Critical Damage: 200%
Name: Hatty
Class: The Magician
Skill: Hatty can switch positions with any other cat same level (with the same amount of stars) as him.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 30, +10 per level up, +20 per level up in-game
Attack Interval: 0.8s, -0.02s per level up.
Critical Rate: 8%
Critical Damage: 200%
Name: Pumpy
Class: The Pumpkin
Skill: Pumpkin The Pumpkin is a cute pumpkin. He is large. He will occasionally block the enemies path.
Duration: 4s, +0.2s per level up, +0.5s per level up in-game.
Interval: 10s, -0.1s per level up, -0.2s per skill power.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 20, +5 per level up, +20 per level up in-game.
Attack Interval: 0.7s, -0.02s per level up.
Critical Rate: 6%
Critical Damage: 160%
Name: Icy
Class: The Mage
Skill: Icy can summon hail storms, he will summon it once in a while to slowdown all enemies.
Stalling Effect: 8%, +2.5% per level up in-game, +1% per skill power.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 30, +5 per level up, +20 per level up in-game.
Attack Interval: 1s
Critical Rate: 6%
Critical Damage: 160%
Name: Jennie
Class: The Hungry One
Skill: Jennie eats. All. The. Time. She will eat till she's full, and grow to be a random cat in her team that is one star above her.
Time Before Level-up: 30s, -0.5s per level up, -2.5s per level up in-game, -0.5s per skill power.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 10, +5 per level up, +10 per level up in-game.
Attack Interval: 1.2s
Critical Rate: 6%
Critical Damage: 160%
Name: Goldie
Class: The Lion
Skill: Goldie will summon a random cat from the deck when combined.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 20, +10 per level up, +10 per level up in-game, +3 per skill power
Attack Interval: 1s
Critical Rate: 6%
Critical Damage: 160%
Name: Hardy
Class: The Assassin
Skill: Every once in a while, he will stun a random cat (of his stars) from your opponent. In co-op mode he will slow down a monster on your opponent field.
Stun Duration: 2.4s, +0.1s per level up, +0.3s per level up in-game, +0.3s per skill power.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 30, +10 per level up, +10 per level up in-game.
Attack Interval: 0.8s, -0.02s per level up.
Critical Rate: 10%
Critical Damage: 200%
Name: Wade
Class: The Professor
Skill: When Wade is combined with other cat, that cat's type will not change. The star will increase by 1.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 20, +5 per level up, +10 per level up in-game, +2 per skill power.
Attack Interval: 1.5s
Critical Rate: 6%
Critical Damage: 160%
Name: Stormie
Class: The Summoner
Skill: Stormie will summon up special enemies for your opponent when combined. In Co-op mode, they will summon monsters carrying a lot of fishes.
Special Enemy Base Health Multiple: 3
Basic attributes:
Attack: 30, +10 per level up, +30 per level up in-game, +3 per skill power.
Attack Interval: 1s
Critical Rate: 8%
Critical Damage: 160%
Name: Pammie
Class: The Fire Fighter
Skill: Pammie will use water hose to attack opponent's cats of the same level and slow them down. In Co-op mode, he will speed up friendly cats.
Attack Speed Decrease Rate: 10%, +1% per level up, +2% per level up in-game, +1% per skill power.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 20, +10 per level up, +10 per level up in-game.
Attack Interval: 0.8s, -0.02s per level up.
Critical Rate: 8%
Critical Damage: 200%
Name: Ronnie
Class: The Construction Worker
Skill: Ronnie always [accidentally] splash cement on the road. When enemies step on the cement puddles, they will slow down.
Stalling Effect: 12%, +1% per level up, +3% per level up in-game, +2% per skill power.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 40, +5 per level up, +20 per level up in-game.
Attack Interval: 0.6s, -0.01s per level up.
Critical Rate: 8%
Critical Damage: 200%
Name: Nallie
Class: The Star
Skill: Nallie will imitate her teammate's action when combined.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 20, +5 per level up, +10 per level up in-game, +3 per skill power.
Attack Interval: 0.7s, -0.02s per level up.
Critical Rate: 8%
Critical Damage: 160%
Name: Angie
Class: The Heaven's Kitten
Skill: Angie will speed up the attacks of her teammates, when there are 1, 3, 5, 7 Angies on the field, they will work together for an extra strong buff, the surrounding cats' critical rate and general attacks will rank up (4% and 8%).
Attack Speed Increases: 2%, +0.3% per level up, +2% per level up in-game, +1% per skill power.
Extra Attacking Speed Increases After Activation: 3%
Basic attributes:
Attack: 20, +5 per level up, +10 per level up in-game
Attack Interval: 1.2s, -0.02s per level up.
Critical Rate: 8%
Critical Damage: 200%
Name: Connie
Class: The Panda
Skill: Connie is a panda. When combined, each cat on the opponent field has a certain rate to randomly transform. In Co-op games she will use the bamboo power to raise all opponent cats' attack speed in 5 seconds when combined.
Cat Change Rate: 32%, +1% per level up, +2% per level up in-game, +2% per skill power.
Co-op Attack Speed Increase Rate: 42%, +3% per level up, +5% per level up in-game, +3% per skill power.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 20, +5 per level up, +10 per level up in-game
Attack Interval: 1.2s, -0.02s per level up.
Critical Rate: 8%
Critical Damage: 200%
Name: Devie
Class: The Hell's Kitten
Skill: Devie is a little devil. He will fortify an opponent pawn with evil power every 10 seconds, raising its HP and move speed. In Co-op mode he will weaken an opponent pawn and reduce its HP and move speed.
HP Increase Rate: 60%, +2% per level up, +10% per level up in-game, +5% per skill power.
Move Speed Increase Rate: 40%, +2% per level up, +5% per level up in-game, +2% per skill power.
Co-op HP Reduce Rate: 20%, +1% per level up, +2% per level up in-game, +2% per skill power.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 30, +5 per level up, +20 per level up in-game
Attack Interval: 0.8s
Critical Rate: 8%
Critical Damage: 200%
Name: Cathie
Class: The Nurse
Skill: Cats around Cathie will be well cared for, increasing attack speed and attack power. When Cathie is combined, the new cat created will receive a permanent attack speed and attack power bonus.
ATK Power and ATK Speed Increase: 4%, +0.5% per level up, +2% per level up in-game, +1% per skill power.
ATK Power and ATK Speed Increase After Combined: 8%, +1% per level up, +4% per level up in-game, +2% per skill power.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 30, +5 per level up, +10 per level up in-game
Attack Interval: 0.8s
Critical Rate: 8%
Critical Damage: 200%
Name: Santie
Class: The Santa
Skill: Every 6 seconds, Santa will throw gift boxes to random targets. The number of gifts is equal to the number of his stars. The gift attracts the attention of the opposing cats and reduces their attack speed, or increases the attack speed of ally cats, or deals damage to pawns according to HP of the target. In co-op mode gifts boost the attack speed of the opposing player's cat.
ATK Speed Increase & Decrease: 12%, +0.8% per level up, +2% per level up in-game, +1% per skill power.
Damage Rate of Target HP: 15%, +0.5% per level up, +2% per level up in-game, +1% per skill power.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 30, +5 per level up, +10 per level up in-game
Attack Interval: 0.8s
Critical Rate: 8%
Critical Damage: 200%
Name: Vonnie
Class: The Librarian
Skill: Vonnie will read and learn. Then he will transform into another cat in his team of same star. He will also raise the in-game level of that cat by 1 level.
Time Before Transformation: 32s, -0.5s per level up, -1s per level up in-game, -1s per skill power.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 20, +10 per level up, +40 per level up in-game
Attack Interval: 1s
Critical Rate: 10%
Critical Damage: 160%
Name: Clichy
Class: The Photographer
Skill: Every 11 seconds, Clichy will take a photo of a cat in a symmetrical position on the opponent's field. The flash will stun the opponent cat for a while. Taking a photo in co-op mode will boost the cat's attack speed.
Duration: 4.2s, +0.2s per level up, +0.4s per level up in-game, +0.4s per skill power.
Attack Speed Increase In Co-op Mode: 28%, +3% per level up, +5% per level up in-game.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 40, +10 per level up, +10 per level up in-game
Attack Interval: 0.9s, -0.01s per level up.
Critical Rate: 8%
Critical Damage: 160%
Name: Poiret
Class: The Detective
Skill: Poiret will continue to search. Every few seconds, he will try to move to an adjacent area. And on a successful move, he will discover a companion cat, or find a clue (gain fish), or find a suspect (kill a pawn instantly).
Interval: 26s, -0.4s per level up, -1s per level up in-game, -0.5s per skill power.
Fish Gained: 18, +2 per level up, +4 per level up in-game.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 50, +10 per level up, +20 per level up in-game
Attack Interval: 0.9s
Critical Rate: 8%
Critical Damage: 200%
Name: Macie
Class: The Cleaner
Skill: Macie can be combined with any other cats. When combined with other cats of same stars, Macie and the other cat will be both removed and provides fish based on their stars.
Fish Gained: 200, +10 per level up, +50 per level up in-game, +25 per skill power.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 50, +10 per level up, +20 per level up in-game
Attack Interval: 1.2s
Critical Rate: 8%
Critical Damage: 160%
Name: Levie
Class: The Honor Guard
Skill: When there are 2,4,8 Levies on the field, they will form squads and increase the att speed and atk power of all cats on your field.
ATK Power & Speed Increase Each Levie: 5%, +0.5% per level up, +1.2% per level up in-game, +1% per skill power.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 60, +10 per level up, +30 per level up in-game
Attack Interval: 1.2s
Critical Rate: 8%
Critical Damage: 160%
Name: Mestie
Class: The Hypnotist
Skill: When attacking, Mestie has a 6% chance to hypnotize her targets and surronding enemies. They cannot move and take twice damage. When combined, Mestie will hyponotize a opponent cat of same star. In Co-op mode she can increase the opponent cat's attack speed when combined.
Duration On Mice: 1s, +0.1s per level up, +0.2s per level up in-game, +0.1s per skill power.
Duration On Opponent Cats: 2.5s, +0.3s per level up, +0.5s per level up in-game, 0.3s per skill power.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 30, +10 per level up, +40 per level up in-game
Attack Interval: 1s
Critical Rate: 8%
Critical Damage: 160%
Name: Jilly
Class: The Bartender
Skill: Every 7 seconds, if there is a cat in a symmetrical position on the opponent's field, Jilly will sell a cocktail to the cat and get him drunk, decrease his attack power by 40% and crit chance by 100%. Jilly will earn fish from each cocktail sold.
Fish Earned: 12, +1s per level up, +5s per level up in-game, +2s per skill power.
Duration: 2s, +0.1s per level up, +0.4s per level up in-game.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 40, +10 per level up, +40 per level up in-game
Attack Interval: 1s, -0.01s per level up.
Critical Rate: 8%
Critical Damage: 200%
Name: Cupid
Class: The Christmas Reindeer
Skill: After summoned, Cupid will send a Christmas gift to a random ally cat and permanently increase his attack power. In Co-op mode he will also send a gift to a random opponent cat.
Attack Power Increase: 6%, +1% per level up, +2% per level up in-game, +1% per skill power.
Basic attributes:
Attack: 50, +5 per level up, +20 per level up in-game
Attack Interval: 1s
Critical Rate: 10%
Critical Damage: 200%