Refer Friends
You can share your invitation code to your friends or enter the invitation code from your friends.
If you Refer a friend, you get 10% from all his purchases till life time.
Yes all purchases including New Blindboxes and Marketplace trading sales.
Your Friend gets 10% discount on his first Blindbox purchase (first purchase only) Marketplace trading sales not included.
For example:
A. New Blindbox sales:
You Refer a Friend, and he purchase one blindbox today, you get 10% share Not only first time, every time he purchase you get 10% share. [LIFETIME]
Your Friend: he gets 10% discount on his FIRST purchase only.
B. Marketplace trading sales:
If your friend purchase through Marketplace trading (Worth $1000), then Marketplace earns 5% ($50) commission (fee) and you get 10% ($5) of it. For every marketplace trading, you will earn 10% of his Fee.
Your Friend: he don't get any discount on Marketplace trading purchases.
Last updated